Chain of Responsibility (or CoR) is a legal concept used in Australian road transport law. Chain of Responsibility recognises that what happens on the road is not solely directed by the driver but can sometimes be influenced by off-road parties in the supply chain.


Parties in the chain have a responsibility to ensure the safety of transport activities so far as is reasonably practicable.

Effective risk management and regulatory compliance in transport activities

Parties must manage the risks and hazards that arise from transport activities by:

  • identifying the risks involved in transport activities
  • assessing the identified risks
  • eliminating those risks, or if they can’t be eliminated, minimising them as much as possible

Parties must not take any actions that could influence a breach of regulations including:

  • direct requests or terms in a contract
  • financial penalties or rewards
  • preferential treatment
  • any other words or actions that might cause or encourage another CoR party, or a driver, to bend the rules