Aviation Security
Aviation Security
Domestic Screening
In line with the Australian Federal Government’s aviation security laws, from July 1 2021, all consignments travelling by air from Brisbane, Sydney, Melbourne, Adelaide, Perth and Launceston must be screened at piece level. Piece-level screening is defined as the lowest level of consolidation (e.g. individual carton). Unless the consolidated items are homogenous and compatible with our x-ray equipment.
Items presented on a pallet will be deconsolidated / unpacked to piece level for the purpose of examination. To comply with the piece-level screening regulations, All customers are required to apply consignment note labels to all items that form part of a consolidated shipment. This regulation applies to all consignments that will move via our same day, time sensitive or priority services.
Items presented on a pallet will be deconsolidated / unpacked to piece level for the purpose of examination. To comply with the piece-level screening regulations, All customers are required to apply consignment note labels to all items that form part of a consolidated shipment. This regulation applies to all consignments that will move via our same day, time sensitive or priority services.
How is freight screened?
The majority of freight we move by air will be screened via x-ray, however, where an item is not compatible with the x-ray equipment because of size and/or weight the primary method of screening is internal Explosive Trace Detection (ETD) and/or physical examination.The size and weight restrictions of our x-ray machines are:
- Weight - Up to 30 kgs per item
- Dimensions - Individual items cannot exceed 106 cm in width and 56 cm in height
Screening process
Consignments containing sterilized surgical equipment that exceeds the dimensions compatible with x-ray equipment can be screened via external ETD to mitigate any risk of contamination.As per the EACE notice, live animals; biological tissue, substance, or sample; and under specific circumstances explosive substances, dangerous goods, and H2H freight may receive clearance without examination.
N.B. pharmaceutical drugs and food will be subject to x-ray. There are no known adverse effects caused by radiation to food and or pharmaceuticals commodities. The radiation absorbed dose received by objects scanned via x-ray is 1 millirad or less.
Freight presentation and collection times
Same day, time sensitive and priority freight can be consolidated onto a pallet and/or into a cage for ease of handling and/or loading at the point of collection.Each item must be individual consigned irrespective of sender and receiver details are the same.
In some cases, permanent collections may need to be reviewed and amended allowing operations sufficient time to process/screen all freight at depot level.